## version ## language deutsch ## codeset 0 ; Typeface 1.2 ; (c) 1995-96 David Kinder ; When making a translation, please check that the translated text still ; fits into the windows and requesters, even on a 640x200 screen. ; If a string to be translated contains a % sign followed by one or more ; letters, then in the program they will be replaced by some text (which ; will be indicated in the comment in this file). The % construct *must* ; be left in the string so that the string will make sense. ; \n is a newline character, \" is a quote. If the translated string is ; longer than one line, it must have a final \ appended to it to tell ; FlexCat to scan the next line. ; Gadget strings (which start with "gadg", rather than "msg") can contain ; an underscore character ("_"), which means that the following character ; is the keyboard shortcut (e.g. for the string "_Cancel", "c" will be ; the shortcut). Please check that no two gadgets in the same window use ; the same shortcut! ; New strings added for a given version are indicated by a "**" followed by ; the version number, e.g. "** 1.2" for this release. ; General requester strings ; ========================= ; Continue operation choice. msgContinue Weiter ;Continue ; Cancel operation choice. msgCancel Abbruch ;Cancel ; Yes/no choice. The "Yes" must come first, and be separated from the "No" ; by the | character. msgYesNo Ja|Nein ;Yes|No ; General gadget strings ; ====================== ; Accept gadget gadgAccept ;_Accept ; Cancel gadget gadgCancel _Abbruch ;_Cancel ; Error requesters occurring during initialization ; ================================================ ; no asl.library msgNoAslLib Kann asl.library v37+ nicht ffnen! ;Cannot open asl.library v37+. ; no diskfont.library msgNoDiskfontLib Kann diskfont.library v36+ nicht ffnen! ;Cannot open diskfont.library v36+. ; no iffparse.library msgNoIFFParseLib Kann iffparse.library v37+ nicht ffnen! ;Cannot open iffparse.library v37+. ; no bgui.library msgNoBguiLib Kann bgui.library v39+ nicht ffnen! ;Cannot open bgui.library v39+. ; no textfield.gadget msgNoTextFieldGadget Kann textfield.gadget v3+ nicht ffnen! ;Cannot open textfield.gadget v3+. ; Fatal error requester ; ===================== ; This requester appears if a fatal error occurs while Typeface is ; running. %s is replaced by the name of the routine which failed, ; e.g. AllocAslRequest() msgFatalError Schwerer Fehler:\n\ Ein Aufruf von %s ist fehlgeschlagen! ;A fatal error has occured:\nA call to %s has failed. ; Loading in a font ; ================= ; font requester title msgOpenFont Lade Zeichensatz ;Open Font ; Error requester on load failure. %s is replaced by the font name, ; e.g. "topaz". msgNoOpenFont Kann Zeichensatz %s\n\ nicht laden! ;Cannot open %s. ; Character editing windows ; ========================= ; The standard window title. %c is replaced by the character, %lu its ; number in decimal and %.2lX its number in hex, e.g. for "w", the title ; would be "w (119 decimal/$77 hex)". msgCharTitle %c (%lu dezimal/$%.2lX hex) ;%c (%lu decimal/$%.2lX hex) ; Special case for character zero. msgZeroTitle (0 dezimal/$00 hex) ;(0 decimal/$00 hex) ; Title for blank character. msgBlankTitle Blank ;blank ; About menu item ; =============== ; text in About requester msgFreeChip Freier Chip Memory ;Free Chip Memory msgFreeFast Freier Fast Memory ;Free Fast Memory ; ** 1.2 Should be a translation of: ; "Catalog translated by \n\n" ; where is your name. Note the trailing \n\n. This string is left ; blank for the default (i.e. English). msgTranslator Deutsche bersetzung: Martin Hans\n\n ; Quit menu item ; ============== ; This requester appears if "Confirm Quit" selected in preferences. ; If the character data has been modified, %s is replaced by the ; following message, else "". msgCheckQuit %sTypeFace beenden? ;%sDo you wish to quit? ; Note the space at the end of this text! msgCharsChanged Der Zeichensatz wurde\n\ ndert! ;The character data has been\nchanged. ; Gadget string msgQuitCancel Ende|Abbruch ;Quit|Cancel ; This requester appears if Typeface cannot quit due to visitor windows ; open on its screen. msgVisitors Bitte alle fremden Fenster schlie ;Please close all visitor windows. ; PutPositive() error requester ; ============================= ; This function is called to give a general message when a number ; entered in a window is too small. %s will be replaced by a string, ; e.g. "font height", and %ld by a number, so the requester might read ; (in English) "The font height must be greater than 1." msgPutPositive %s mu er als %ld sein. ;The %s must be greater than %ld. ; Font Parameters window ; ====================== ; window title msgFontParamsTitle Zeichensatz Parameter. ;Edit Font Parameters ; labels for font type cycle gadget msgFontFixed Feste Breite ;Fixed Width msgFontProp Proportional ;Proportional ; labels for aspect ratio cycle gadget msgAspectNormal Normal ;Normal msgAspectThin ;Thin msgAspectWide Breit ;Wide ; The following are the labels for the gadgets. ; font type cycle gadgFontType _Zeichensatz Typ ;_Font Type ; font height string gadgFontHeight ;_Height ; font baseline string gadgFontBaseline _Basislinie ;_Baseline ; font width string gadgFontWidth Brei_te ;_Width ; bold smear string gadgBoldSmear Fett _Versatz ;Bold _Smear ; normal check box gadgFontNormal _Normal ;_Normal ; italic check box gadgFontItalic _Schr ;_Italic ; bold check box gadgFontBold _Fett ;B_old ; underline check box gadgFontUnderline _Unterstrichen ;_Underline ; extended check box gadgFontExtended _Erweitert ;_Extended ; reversed check box gadgFontReversed ;_Reversed ; aspect cycle gadgFontAspect A_ussehen ;As_pect ; blank gadget gadgFontBlank B_lank ;B_lank ; These requesters appear if an incorrect value is entered as one of the ; parameters and the Accept gadget is selected. ; error if baseline too small msgErrorBaseline Die Basislinie mu niedriger\n\ als die Font-H he sein. ;The font baseline must be\n\ ;less than the font height. ; error if font width negative msgErrorFontWidth Die Font-Breite mu positiv sein. ;The font width must be positive. ; warning when changing font type msgWarnPropChange Der Zeichensatz wird proportional zu\n\ fester Breite ge ndert. Sollen alle Zeichen\n\ diesselbe Breite haben? (Vorschlag: ja) ;This font will be changed from proportional\n\ ;to fixed width. Do you wish all characters\n\ ;to have the same width (yes is recommended)? ; the following are passed to the PutPositive() function (see above) ; bold smear too small msgBoldSmear Fett Versatz ;bold smear ; font baseline too small msgFontBaseline Basislinie ;font baseline ; font height too small msgFontHeight Zeichensatzh ;font height ; Preferences window ; ================== ; window title msgPrefsTitle Voreinstellungen ;Preferences ; page titles msgPrefsScreen Bildschirm ;Screen msgPrefsToolBar Werkzeugleiste ;Tool Bar msgPrefsEdit Bearbeitungs Fenster ;Edit Windows msgPrefsSelect Auswahl Fenster ;Selection Window msgPrefsMisc Verschiedenes ;Miscellaneous ; save gadget gadgPrefsSave _Sichern ;_Save ; use gadget gadgPrefsUse _Benutzen ;_Use ; Requester if there is an error while saving preferences. %s is replaced ; with the directory to which the save was attempted. msgPrefsSaveError Kann Voreinstellungen nicht nach\n\ "%s"\n\ sichern. ;Cannot save preferences to\n\"%s\" ; Preferences window - Screen page ; ================================ ; screen font requester title msgScreenFont Bildschirmzeichensatz ndern ;Change Screen Font ; screen mode requester title msgScreenMode Bildschirmmodus ndern ;Change Screen Mode ; custom screen check box gadgCustomScr _Eigener Bildschirm ;Cus_tom Screen ; screen mode box gadgMode _Modus ;_Mode ; screen font box gadgScreenFont _Zeichensatz ;_Font ; public screen string gadgPubScreen ffentlicher Bildschirm ;_Public Screen ; The screen mode requester is only present in asl.library v38+. ; If the version of asl is too old, show this error and continue. msgNeedAslV38 asl.library v38 oder besser ben tigt. ;asl.library v38 or higher required. ; Preferences window - Tool Bar page ; ================================== ; ** 1.2 Tool tips for the listview gadgets. gadgToolBarIn Enthalten in Werkzeugleiste ;Included in tool bar gadgToolBarOut Nicht enthalten in Werkzeugleiste ;Not included in tool bar ; ** 1.2 The following are entries for the tool bar listvies describing the ; various icons. Please make sure that these fit into the listview. prefsDecWidth Breite + ;Dec. Width prefsIncWidth Breite - ;Inc. Width prefsMoveLeft Bewege links ;Move Left prefsMoveRight Bewege rechts ;Move Right prefsMoveUp Bewege hoch ;Move Up prefsMoveDown Bewege runter ;Move Down prefsKerning Kerning ;Kerning prefsWidthWin Breiten Fenster ;Width Window prefsZoomIn Zoom rein ;Zoom In prefsZoomOut Zoom raus ;Zoom Out prefsFlipHoriz Horiz. spiegeln ;Flip Horiz. prefsFlipVert Vert. spiegeln ;Flip Vert. ; height string gadgToolBarHeight ;_Height ; auto height check box gadgAuto A_uto ;Auto ; Passed to PutPositive() (see above) if the tool bar height is too small. msgToolbarHeight he Werkzeugleiste ;tool bar height ; Preferences window - Edit Windows page ; ====================================== ; pixels group msgPixels Pixel ;Pixels ; pixel width string gadgPixelWidth Brei_te ;_Width ; pixel height string gadgPixelHeight ;_Height ; border cycle gadget gadgPixelBorder _Rahmen ;_Border ; border cycle labels msgBorderNo msgBorderYes msgBorderGrid Gitter ;Grid ; maximize window check box gadgMaxWindow _Maximales Fenster ;_Maximize Window ; show baseline check box gadgShowBLine Basisli_nie ;Baseli_ne ; ** 1.2 toggle drawing mode check box gadgToggle _Invertieren ;_Toggle ; Passed to PutPositive() (see above) if the pixel width is too small. msgPixelWidth Pixel Breite ;pixel width ; Passed to PutPositive() if the pixel height is too small. msgPixelHeight Pixel H ;pixel height ; Preferences window - Selection Window page ; ========================================== ; window sizing check box gadgSizeWin _Fenster Gr ;Window Si_zing ; shift check box gadgShift S_hift ;Sh_ift ; selection window width cycle gadgWidthCycle _Breite ;_Width ; selection window height string gadgSelWinHeight ;_Height ; selection window font gadget gadgSelWinFont _Zeichensatz ;_Font ; Passed to PutPositive() (see above) if the window width is too small. msgSelWndWidth Fenster Breite ;window width ; Preferences window - Miscellaneous page ; ======================================= ; preferences save cycle group msgSavePrefsTo Sichere Voreinstellungen in ;Save preferences to ; confirm quit check box gadgQuit Sicherheitsabfrage bei _Ende ;Confirm _Quit ; ** 1.2 query width on load check box gadgQueryWidth _Frage Breite beim Laden ;Query _Width on Load ; preferences save cycle labels msgPrefsEnv Environment Variable ;Environment Variable msgPrefsProg Typeface Verzeichnis ;Typeface Directory ; Change Font Directory window ; ============================ ; window title msgFontDirTitle Wechsle Zeichensatzverzeichnis ;Change Font Directory ; assign gadget gadgAssign A_ssign ;_Assign ; assign add gadget gadgAssignAdd Assign _hinzuf ;Assign A_dd ; Requester if specified directory not found. %s is replaced with the ; directory path. msgNoDir Kann Verzeichnis\n\ "%s"\n\ nicht finden. ;Cannot find directory\n\"%s\" ; ** 1.2 Change Font Directory window ; ============================ ; window title msgResetTitle Kerning Zur cksetzen ;Reset Kerning ; reset gadget gadgReset cksetzen ;_Reset ; text following "Spacing" gadget infoPlusWidth + Breite ;+ Width ; warning text in window infoWarnReset Achtung: Dies wird die\n\ Kerning und Spacing\n\ Information zur cksetzen. ;Warning: This will reset\n\ ;the kerning and spacing\n\ ;for all characters.\n\ ; ** 1.2 Edit Character window ; ===================== ; window title msgEditCharTitle Zeichen Bearbeitung ;Edit Character ; character number integer gadget gadgCharNum Zeichen Nummer ;Character Number ; Save Font window ; ================ ; window title msgSaveTitle Sichere Zeichensatz ;Save Font ; directory string gadget gadgFontDir _Verzeichnis ;Font _Directory ; font name string gadget gadgFontName _Name ;_Font ; font size msgSize ;Size ; first character string gadget gadgFirst An_fang ;F_irst ; last character string gadget gadgLast _Ende ;_Last ; kern info check box gadgKernInfo _Kern Info ;_Kern Info ; save gadget gadgSave _Sichern ;_Save ; Error requesters if the first or last characters to be saved are not ; in the range 0 to 255. msgFirstRange Das erste Zeichen mu zwischen 0 und 255 liegen. ;The first character must be between 0 and 255. msgLastRange Das letzte Zeichen mu zwischen 0 und 255 liegen. ;The last character must be between 0 and 255. ; Error if first char > last. msgFirstGreaterLast Das erste Zeichen mu er als das letzte sein. ;The first character cannot be greater than the last. ; Warning if save directory does not exist. %s is replaced by the ; name of the directory. msgSaveNoDir Das Verzeichnis "%s"\n\ existiert nicht. ;Directory \"%s\"\ndoes not exist. ; gadget text msgSaveNoDirGadgets Erzeugen|Abbruch ;Create|Cancel ; Error if directory cannot be created. %s is replaced by the name of ; the directory msgSaveCreateError Kann Verzeichnis\n\ "%s" nicht erzeugen. ;Cannot create directory\n\"%s\". ; Warning if file already exists. %s is replaced by the file name. msgSaveWarnExists Die Datei "%s"\n\ existiert bereits! ;File \"%s\" exists. ; gadget text msgSaveWarnExistsGadgets berschreiben|Abbruch ;Overwrite|Cancel ; Error writing font header. %s is replaced by the directory name. msgSaveWriteHeader Kann Zeichensatz-Header\n\ "%s" nicht schreiben. ;Cannot write font header to \n\"%s\". ; Error creating font header msgSaveCreateHeader Kann Zeichensatz-Header\n\ nicht erzeugen. ;Cannot create font header. ; Error writing font data. %s is replaced by the directory name. msgSaveWriteData Kann Zeichensatz\n\ "%s" nicht sichern. ;Cannot write font data to \n\"%s\". ; Not enough memory. msgSaveNoMemory Nicht genug Speicher. ;Not enough memory. ; ** 1.2 Query Width on Load window ; ========================== ; window title msgQueryWidthTitle Zeichensatz Breite... ;Querying Font Width... ; font info label msgQueryFont Zeichensatz ;Font ; new width integer gadget gadgQueryNewWidth _Breite ;_Width ; load gadget gadgLoad _Lade Zeichensatz ;_Load Font ; Change Character Width window ; ============================= ; The window title. %lu is replaced by the decimal number of the ; character, and %d by it's width, e.g. for "w" from topaz/8: ; "Change Width of 119 (from 8)" msgWidthTitle Breite von %lu (von %d) ;Change Width of %lu (from %d) ; A special case for the blank character. msgWidthTitleBlank Breite von Blank (von %d) ;Change Width of blank (from %d) ; width string gadget gadgNewWidth Neue _Breite ;New _Width ; Left/right offset texts. %ld if replaced by the pixel offset. msgLeftOffset Linker Rand: %ld ;Left Offset: %ld msgRightOffset Rechter Rand: %ld ;Right Offset: %ld ; Change Character Kerning window ; =============================== ; The window title. %lu is replaced by the decimal number of the ; character, e.g. for "w" from topaz/8: "Kerning for 119" msgKernTitle Kerning f r %lu ;Kerning for %lu ; A special case for the blank character. msgKernTitleBlank Kerning f r Blank ;Kerning for blank ; spacing string gadget gadgSpacing _Spacing ;_Spacing ; kerning string gadget gadgKerning _Kerning ;_Kerning ; Font Preview window ; =================== ; window title msgPreviewTitle Vorschau ;Font Preview ; update gadget gadgUpdate Ak_tualisieren ;Upda_te ; show all gadget gadgShowAll _Zeige alles ;S_how All ; clear gadget gadgClear schen ;C_lear ; Menus ; ===== ; The following are the strings for all the menus. ; Project menu msgMenuProjectTitle Projekt ;Project msgMenuOpen Lade Zeichensatz... ;Open Font... msgMenuSave Sichere Zeichensatz... ;Save Font... msgMenuChangeDir Wechsle Verzeichnis... ;Change Dir... msgMenuPreview Vorschau... ;Preview... msgMenuPrefs Voreinstellungen... ;Preferences... msgMenuAbout ber... ;About... msgMenuQuit ;Quit ; Font menu msgMenuFontTitle Zeichensatz ;Font msgMenuEditFont Parameter... ;Edit Parameters... ; ** 1.2 msgMenuEditChar Zeichen bearbeiten... ;Edit Character... msgMenuMoveLeft Bewege links ;Move Left msgMenuMoveRight Bewege rechts ;Move Right msgMenuMoveUp Bewege hoch ;Move Up msgMenuMoveDown Bewege runter ;Move Down msgMenuResetKern Kerning zur cksetzen... ;Reset Kerning... ; ** 1.2 msgMenuCascade Fenster anordnen ;Cascade Windows ; Character menu msgMenuCharTitle Zeichen bearbeiten ;Character ; ** 1.2 msgMenuUndo ;Undo ; ** 1.2 msgMenuCut Ausschneiden msgMenuCopy Kopieren ;Copy msgMenuPaste ;Paste ; ** 1.2 msgMenuErase schen ;Erase ; ** 1.2 msgMenuFlipHoriz Horiz. spiegeln ;Flip Horizontally ; ** 1.2 msgMenuFlipVert Vert. spiegeln ;Flip Vertically msgMenuZoomIn Zoom rein ;Zoom In msgMenuZoomOut Zoom raus ;Zoom Out msgMenuChangeWidth Breite ndern... ;Change Width... msgMenuKerning Kerning... ;Kerning... ; Preview menu msgMenuPreviewTitle Vorschau ;Preview msgMenuUpdate Aktualisieren ;Update msgMenuShowAll Zeige Alles ;Show All msgMenuClear schen